The self-designed logo for my name which included characters M and N was approached with the factor of my learning architectural background, in few words the theme behind the design would be architecture related. I kicked off the conceptual design stage with a study of form, line weights, orientation and various essential components to create and utilize key factors to creating a more refined design. After deciding on a firm and promising design foundation I moved on to shaping the concept in itself, allowing new ideas to be incorporated into the form and filling up those spaces that needed something and eliminating the ones that weren't needed creating much needed negative space in the outline of the design. As for the color choices I gave my parents the choice to chose one color as it would symbolize and represent the recognitional support in my architectural studies from my parents. The final product was a two letter design which are interconnected with one vertically orientated stem.
The M which is the first letter of my fathers and I's name starts off with a small base at the bottom of the letter which is then cut off by negative space to the top corner of the letter where there is volume. The letter then stretches to the other side reaching the interconnecting stem that unifies both letters. The stem itself signifies the number one as in reference to family and architecture will always be my priority. the M letter contains the color gradient grey that my father had chosen.
The N start at the stem which then slides down the midpoint of the letter through the first half with volume. Within that segment of the letter the stem and the first half of the letter it creates an outline of the letter A which is the first letter of my mother's name. On the second half of the logo an abstracted and twisted rectangle provides an outline of a structure which is supported by cables within the shape connecting to the other side of the letter with wires to sustain its weight which serves as the other half of the letter outline. The colors within the letter were the ones my mother had chosen from her end.