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     By early 2020 a small project assignment involving a paper and a few folds provided the art of Origami to essentially visually hand in a deep understanding of fluent design techniques that would help ease the struggle of exterior design orientation and interior space arranging. On top of the academical value there was also mental health benefits, Origami better develops hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills and mental concentration, making the perfect exercise project after a winter long break. The assigned focus of my model was to provide the same atmosphere as a parklet in a much more condensed space. Enclosed by fine smooth curved walls my cylindrical look alike project provides a seat through a stretched bench from one entry to the other. The walled of sides provide cover against those particles such as sand, dirt, leaves, water that are picked up by the wind, not to mention cover against bird poop. Its main intent is to provide a resting place for those who are on their daily run or simply seeking some cover against the sun, the surrounding small open pillars provide sunlight for the interior without for the small spots where the sun doesn't shine. Hypothetically the essential materials to build this structure would be plastic sheets, wood, steel, and earth if needed to modify site/landscape.

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